Tuesday’s Photos – Wild Flowers in Woodlands – April 5, 2016

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Dancing daisies are delightful but puffy dandelions are delicious down on the Sarca River near Dro! Happy viewing!

(A few years back, I created for a now defunct poetry blog site a prompt page called – Pixelventures … I’ve been thinking of maybe resuscitating Pixelventures photo prompts sometime in the future … if there’s someone interested in participating .. so, if you’re interested, tell me so in the comments. Ciao for now, Bastet)

Perpective for Pixelventures – June 17, 2014

This week Pixelventures is looking for a little depth!  Here are a few contributions:

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From Bolognano to Villafranca via the Brennero Highway and back … a day trip outside of my mountains to the flat Padano valley.  I always find that visiting the Padano valley makes me appreciate my mountains so very much when I return.  Though I had fun on my one day vacation, this time was no different from the rest.  As soon as I began to see the first signs of the mountains I sighed with contentment!

flat lands
no place to rest eyes
green Trentino calls

Pixelventures – Macro!

For Pixelventures macro…I’m submitting two photos:

The first is a genista or broom plant:


heady perfume
your lovely yellow blooms
speak of summer

This second photo is nothing more than the common clover flower ,,, but I jazzed it up a little:


clover flowers
you made fantastic rice
for my doll’s dinner


Reflections – Pixelventures

This week’s Pixelventures is dedicated to Reflections prompted by of Jen’s  (from Blog it or Lose it) photo on the 18th of March ….which makes me feel authorized to participate this week!



Riva reflects

Riva sits in its winter’s nest
reflecting on spring yet to come
the harbor is quiet
the ducks rule the beaches
and I,
think of the flowers yet to bloom.

Have a great week folks but before you go…here are some other great photos inspired by Bastet’s Pixelventures … drop by and why not try your hand too!

Dreamers and Poets (Haiga) | Blog It or Lose It!

 Green Reflection

Through A Glass, Darkly” | Musings of a Soul Eclectic

Reflections – ROBIN’S REAL LIFE

Reflections | Patchwork Ponderings

Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflections | Pa-BLAM!


Spring Omens – for Pixelventures

I’ve decided to put up a photographic post for Pixelventures…I had a great day yesterday in Trento with all the sun-shine and warmth…in Piazza Fiera, which is the market square of Trento, I went with my friend to a flower stall!


baskets full of daffodils

bulbs ready to flower

and though

I know

rain will soon return

winter’s not yet over,

good omens of spring

fill the stall

with bright colors

and perfume!

Posted for Pixelventures!

Bastet’s Pixelventure: “Metal”

Bastet’s Pixelventures: September 24, 2013

Show me Autumn in your part of the world either through a photograph or through your writing imagery!



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Kyreille Sonnet


Now autumn’s colors are blooming,
Oranges and browns have me dreaming,
Of Chestnut cake and apple pie…
Sadness ’tis heart’s somber reply.

Farmers bring their crops to market!
For which we can write a sonnet.
The season colors as plants die…
Sadness ’tis heart’s somber reply.

My feelings, so ambivalent,
Tears of sorrow yet jubilant.
Yes,  so silly of me to cry…
Sadness ’tis heart’s somber reply.

Now autumn’s colors are blooming,
Sadness ’tis heart’s somber reply.

also: Cubby’s Challenge Kyrielle sonnet

Pixelventures: 10 September 2013: Hobbies

Here’s my contribution to Pixelventures dedicated to Hobbies and Pass-times!

I’ve been very busy this week and hadn’t realized that a week has nearly passed since I put up the Pixelventures prompt!

Here’s just a small contribution with a couple of my pass-times!

Besides writing a blog or two and photography, etc I also like to cook and invent recipes.  One of the more interesting ones this month has been a breakfast combination of bacon with fresh figs…sorry I’m not much for health food, though I do know some great ways to cook tofu and seitan!

Chestnut flour donuts

These “donuts” made with chestnut flour.

Oatmeal Bread


Here I made some individual loaves of oatmeal-cranberry bread for a Sunday treat.

I also like to arrange flowers:

dried flowers

and of course there’s my miniature Zen gardens…I made this tree with copper wire:


Thanks for dropping by.,.see you tomorrow!

Bastet’s Pixelventures Mature Grapes

For Bastet’s Pixelventures 27 August:  Earth Element.

Everyone’s noticed, we’re rapidly going towards autumn.  The change, that last month before officially opening a new season, in this case the 21st of September, for oriental philosophy was dedicated to the Earth.

Today I want to show you a little of our grape crop!

Now for a couple of photographs or snapshots or whatever in blazes you think they are!

original grapes

Here is a raw, that is it hasn’t been processed, photo of a vine yard.  As you can see, next to it there are some apples.  Now, for this photograph, I wanted a more intensive color and I didn’t want apples.  So I shadowed and “cooled” the colors then I cropped out the apples. I also like to “frame and sign” my end product. This is the result.


harvest soon begins
new “Merlot” wine to be made
summer turns to fall.

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This was another row of grapes, I cropped out the irrigation hoses and then converted the photo to black and white.

Have a nice day folks!